Secondary News

Year 9 Science Excursion

The excursion to the Botanical Gardens was quite informative and interactive. There was a lot of walking and we got to get our hands dirty by planting flowers. It was not an excursion that taught us something that we had never known before, rather focused on things that we had covered in class. To speak the truth, I didn’t find this topic as interesting or as engaging when compared to other fields in Science, however, when we went to this excursion, it showed the plain truth that Science was everywhere. All the interconnections between the same species, or other organisms and the environment, whether we believe it or not or actually pay attention, our world is filled with amazing organisms, processes and relationships. For example, we see eucalypts everywhere yet know nothing about them. Apparently, there’s a bird called the mistletoe bird that feeds on mistletoe, this bird then eventually gets rid of its waste which sticks onto the Eucalyptus tree. The parasite absorbs all the nutrients from the eucalypt causing it to weaken and drops its branches. Things like these we may not care about, but as humans we have the duty to protect the world we live in and in order to do that we have to learn more. We have to find a way to be able reduce CO2 emissions, feed the growing population and solve upcoming problems. This excursion was insightful in the sense that it makes you realise that there are little worlds within the world we live in and at least coming to realisation that there are so many more organisms and interconnections is really eye opening.

Seray 9G